Roy Harper – One of Those Days In England – more insights

Roy wrote this epic back in the mid seventies. It is a twenty plus minute track which ranges around a great many subjects. It is interesting to look at some of them in more depth.

This was the time of the IRA bombings and the rise of nationalism with the National Front on the streets baying for a white Britain and nationalistic isolation. Islamic fundamentalism hadn’t quite started to rear its head.

But the seeds of Brexit were being laid out. The two sides were presented. The isolation, inward looking stance with walls at the borders or the wide open spaces and outward looking stance.

Roy always had that dream of wanting to run free in some romanticised hunter gatherer lifestyle that we left in the past. The reality was a restrictive society with laws and social codes to shackle us. He resented it.

The religious and political intolerant thugs who wished to impose their views on people with bombs and guns were building hatred and division for their own ends.

The ideals of peace, love, tolerance and togetherness that we all aspired to were being used against us and seen as idealistic weakness. The dream of one world with a more tolerant, liberal set of values was being used against us. The corporate madness was exploiting it and the extremists were making a mockery of it.

You and me, sister, we’re gonna plant a bomb in a street to change law and order
And when we’ve killed all who resisted the call, we’ll discover a brand new wall at the border
You and me, brother, wrapped up in silence, brooding for better breathing spaces
Seeing ideals, we were one time a part of rip us apart in our holiest places.

This version starts slowly but develops nicely.

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