4 thoughts on “Trump – Connect The Dots

  1. This is a great, well documented article. Thanks.

  2. I thought all this was common knowledge.

    I have never uttered a word about his personal background.
    Of course, interesting how easily one opinion can rile another.
    I have said that he is qualified for the job because of his experience in dealing with large details.
    If there are better candidates – where are they?

    I’m sure you had said yesterday that you thought Reagan was an ok guy. Forgetting how he had dealt with student demonstrations against the Vietnam war, when he was Governor of California.

    Why do I see double-standard hypocritical sloganeering. Republicans hate Democrats. Democrats hate Republicans.
    Get over it.

    You cannot be a sales clerk and run for President. As cozy nice as it would be it isn’t going to happen.

    Why don’t they just go right back and hang out to dry every single family that fought for the Confederates during the civil war?

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