Site icon Opher's World

Beliefs – religion, awe and wonder – Big Bangs, world trade, spirituality, creativity and art, Quakers and Buddhism, philosophy, politics, science, creation of life, consciousness, quantum physics.


Beliefs – religion, awe and wonder – Big Bangs, world trade, spirituality, creativity and art, Quakers and Buddhism, philosophy, politics, science, creation of life, consciousness, quantum physics.


What is it that we know for certain?

Very little.

I know I exist. As for the rest it is largely a collection of beliefs.


I thought I might explore my beliefs in a series of posts based upon the subjects above. This is a useful exercise for me to review what it is I do believe in. That is always a good thing to do.

Views and beliefs change. Mine have. Perhaps they will again?

After all, there is very little to be certain of. Our information is limited. We are manipulated and indoctrinated from birth. It is hard to know what or why we do or think the thoughts we do.

A lot of what we accept is true is a tribal response to allegiances we make to various groups or ideologies. How much is unadulterated us?

I find many of these things absolutely fascinating.

We’ll see if you do too.

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