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Green – A Science fiction book with great scope and imagination.


‘This is a novel with a difference; a highly readable story, a page turner, yet with an important message.’

The Blurb

This is a Sci-fi novel set in the future.

Elspin is born without a nervous system; a brain with no connection to the world. She is locked within her dreams in an infinite universe of inner space. She should have withered into nothing but against all the odds she prospered.

What does a person think within their own head when there is no knowledge of the world outside?

Politicians and Business-people are at each others throats. The world is in crisis. The Greens are split into factions. Passions are explosive.

What should the Greens do to save the planet?

A way is found of contacting Elspin. What happens when universes clash? The universe within the head and the universe outside?

Will the world survive?


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