My belief – The Zeitgeist – we can change the world.


I am a very happy, contented, positive character. (Contrary to what many of you may glean from some of my writing).

I am an eternal optimist.

I believe we can solve every problem and make the world perfect. We have the intelligence and problem solving capacity.

I believe in the zeitgeist.

I am not religious – I am an antitheist – I believe religions have created immense harm and are all manufactured by people. I do not believe in God or at least any force that you would recognise as god.

I am a scientist.

I am a scientist who believes that we are only at the beginning of understanding the universe and our own minds. We have much to learn.

I believe that somehow our mental processes produce as yet undiscovered emanations that affect everyone around us. It joins us together into an intermeshing network of minds; we swim in a mental pool created by us all. This is the zeitgeist of the moment.

I have lived through positive and negative zeitgeists. My belief is that we can change the world. If enough of us produce a positive vibe it will tilt the balance of the zeitgeist.

That may sound weird, wacky and naïve to you. It does to me as well. But that’s my hope for the future.

I write so that the nightmares we are creating don’t happen. I want to awaken everyone to what is going on and change the zeitgeist.

I am the eternal optimist but I see myself as a realist. It merely requires more of us! We can make a difference!

20 thoughts on “My belief – The Zeitgeist – we can change the world.

  1. Interesting proposition. It may surprise you to know that I believe wholeheartedly in what Jesus taught, though I’m with you on the fact that God (if there even is such an entity), is nothing at all like what organized religion has taught us. There’ a verse in Acts (17:28) that says in God we live and move and have our being. That verse has always meant to me exactly what you said about those emanations coming from people. And I believe 100% that you are right about our having the ability to change the world. And there are a lot of “believers” out there that are coming to the same conclusion. It’s not as clear cut for us yet, but we are moving away from that whole religious point of view. I’d say we are drawing closer to you in our beliefs. It makes one feel much freer and far more able to thoughtfully love their neighbor all over the world no matter our differences. I like what you said.

    1. I don’t think there’s much wrong with what Jesus said, though I personally have problems with concepts of life after death, god and the heaven/hell bits. It is the god of the old testament and the way religions are so intolerant, power driven and dogmatic that I find so difficult. Religion is so obviously man-made.
      On my blog everyone is welcome whatever their views. I am happy to debate, discuss and consider all possibilities within a loving, tolerant and just framework. I despise indoctrination, blinkered thinking, intolerance and violence. There are so much better ways.
      I’ve been a Buddhist and am going to go along to a Quaker meeting. If I have a view of a spiritual element it would be more akin to a mystical cosmic force rather than the personified conscious ‘being’ of the Abrahamic tradition.
      I would endorse what you say – ‘love your neighbour’ – help everyone – be a positive force for good – be tolerant, caring, loving and empathic but oppose violence, prejudice, indoctrination, misogyny, racism, sexism and the forces that would inflict their views on others with all your might.
      I think we talk the same language. Much love to you – best wishes – Opher

      1. 😀 Oh, I discarded the patriarchal OT stuff a long time ago. I believe it is a history of a people like any other history the same as I believe the NT is a bunch of letters. I don’t believe in the traditional heaven/hell thing (much to his lordship’s dismay). And I believe when Jesus said the “kingdom of God (however you want to define that) is here and now” he meant for us to get off our keisters and start living life in community right now, not sometime in the future when a bunch of bloody guys on horses came riding along to scare the h*ll out of us and usher in some kind of new rule. He did NOT mean what we ended up with — the church! Life after death? I have an “assortment” of ideas about what happens after death. Part of me figures we’re mostly energy and since energy isn’t destroyed (do I understand that correctly), then we revert to that earliest form. What happens from there is anybody’s guess. Sometimes I LIKE the idea of reincarnation, but the day after a bout of night terror (which I haven’t had in awhile), I’m not so sure! 😀

        I’m drawn to Buddhism as well. It calms me. Quaker meetings are good. They’re very quiet and calming as well. We have some very dear friends who are Quakers (Friends). I think you might like it. It’s great for just meditating.

        It feels very freeing to be able to come here and say all that. Thank you for providing a non-threatening forum for others to be “different” on. 🙂

      2. It’s lovely to hear your voice and share thoughts. That’s what helps us grow. I love the idea of reincarnation but I don’t go for it. We are energy and energy never wears out. We are forever in that sense.

      3. Yes – we are all forever! Or at least as long as this particular universe lasts! We’re probably one of an infinite number of multiverses. A bubble in an infinite ocean. I like to think of our energy going out as ripples that affect everything around it. I can feel a poem coming! You’re an inspiration.

      4. Like throwing a pebble in a pond. What a beautiful picture. And you never know what kind of influence your energy is going to have on others. Thanks for that picture, Opher.

      5. It’s nice to believe that we can have a positive effect on others around us. I’m sure we can. That’s why I have spent my life communicating. I don’t like to think it’s all wasted.

    2. I think it’s the intention that is never wasted. Some of the words my be missed, but the intention will manifest itself in some way. Of that I’m sure.

  2. Hey brother. My guess is that after all the metaphors and limits of lauguage are surpassed we most likely share a brotherhood and a search for the same things. May thy Zeitgeist remain most groovy.

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