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Saudi Arabia – a medieval kingdom with no human rights, blatant misogyny and barbaric laws and customs.


Saudi Arabia is supposedly our ally in the Middle East yet it is the sponsorship of much of the terrorism and sectarian violence in the region. It massive oil revenue is being used to promote instability.

The extreme religious views held by the ruling class are responsible for intolerance and the imposition of barbaric laws of immense cruelty.

First we have Raif Badawi imprisoned and subjected to 1000 lashes for having a blog that was considered to critical of the regime.


Now we have Raja Kouja. She was openly critical of the way women are treated in Saudi Arabia and has been accused of Apostasy and threatened with death or having her hands and feet hacked off. At present she is in Britain awaiting deportation to this brutal country. Hopefully Britain will not send her back for such a fate.

To speak out against the Saudi regime is equated as going against the religion. To do that is death.


Misogyny is taken to the extreme. Women are second-class citizens. They are not allowed to drive, they have to have a male guardian sign documents for them, they are forced to wear the full body and face covering Abayah and subject to different laws. Not only are they segregated but can be accused of sexual misdemeanours carrying heavy sentences if they are molested.


It is time the West brought real pressure to bear on these violations of human rights. This barbaric behaviour is inhuman.

It makes me glad I’m an antitheist. I believe all religion does more harm than good. We’d be better off without the medieval superstition.

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