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So what is attracting all the young Jihadists to the sadism & intolerance of ISIS?



Is it:

A hatred of music?

A love of people being burnt in metal cages?

A hatred of Britain?

A love of being able to slowly saw the head off an aid worker who has gone out to altruistically help people?

A hatred of America?

A love of watching someone being crucified in agony?

A hatred of fun, pleasure, alcohol, pork, freedom, or democracy?

A love of seeing harmless gay people being callously thrown off tall buildings?

A hatred of peace, love and harmony?

A wish to see people being slowly stoned to death, buried alive or tortured?

A love of fascism?

Or is it a religious indoctrination? A fanatical intolerance? A hatred for anybody who doesn’t adhere to their narrow view of religion?

Not since the holocaust have we seen such barbaric evil. Yet just as it was then, the gullible are attracted to the superficial image and the devils are attracted to the agony. The indoctrinated are just brainwashed!

There’s a better way – a positive zeitgeist – Peace, Love and tolerance!!!

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