Site icon Opher's World

Pissing in the wind – Fiddling while Rome burns – Losing the plot!


Do you ever feel like your pissing in the wind? That you are blithely going about your life without a thought for the big issues?

Do you sometimes think that all everyone wants is to have a good time and forget it all?

Do you ever think that all people are interested in is ‘The X Factor’, ‘Strictly come dancing’, ‘Coronation Street’, ‘Football’ and ‘The Voice’?

Does it worry you that issues such as death, war, environmental destruction, religious fanaticism and social inequality are things that most people don’t want to think about?

Are you surprised when Ebola, Bird-flu and Sars come knocking?

Do you feel powerless to make any difference to those issues so it’s best left to those in charge of us?

Well there’s no need to worry! – Keep reading the blog at Opher’s World! Get mentally involved and change the Zeitgeist!!



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